Yoga with Minou

15 Nov

As my personal yoga practice starts to gain momentum, I have started to see those around me take an interest as well.  Minou for example has realized the benefits of regular yoga and has begun her own daily practice.

She starts out in simple Child’s Pose, preferring the variation of paws back by the hips.

She then moves on to more difficult arm balances such as firefly.

Note the extension on the legs.

Finally, when she has given all she has, Savasana.

Namaste Minou.

2 Responses to “Yoga with Minou”

  1. Ivy November 27, 2010 at 1:38 am #

    Maybe it’s a girl thing, I don’t know. We just can’t resist kittens.
    I’ve noticed that when you recommend Yoga to people, a lot of them will dismiss it right away. It isn’t until they see changes it brings you that they start considering it for themselves.

    • pattycakesmix November 27, 2010 at 1:59 am #

      I know! Once you start, it’s impossible to ever give it up. It will always be a big part of my life. And Minou’s too!

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